
Blessings my magickal friends,

Though my name is Cathy most call and know me as Cizz' and how fitting it is, for that name stands for "sister of fire", I acquired the name as my path and guide lead me to "many walks through the bowels of hell" which has brought me here to where I am today, grateful and fully knowing I would not have had it any other way, I cherish every fire I have walked and crawled through, and every powerful lesson that has taught and shown me, that we all truly can "dance" in the flames. 

It is really not important to me that others have faith in my powers of magick, I would much rather you have faith in your own powers of magick. I hope to inspire every sister, brother and friend I encounter to believe in the awesome creative gift of magickal powers they hold within and leave them feeling the truth of the connective bonds we all hold with each other, nature and the worlds around us. 

My aim for this blog is to (hopefully) help point the reader to materials and resources that can, or could, possibly help inspire them into a more confident self directed path of being the hero of their own life story.

Most of the material I have gathered is free, online read (pdf) form.

Much Light and Love to You
Blessed be ~cizz

**To contact me concerning any post, materials and links on this blog, email for quicker response: RitualScentz@yahoo.com


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